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Casting from cast iron and foundry steel under drawings, specifications and samples of customers

Опубликовано 19 Апреля 2007 г.

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Casting from cast iron and foundry steel under drawings, specifications and samples of customers

Our company delivers casting from cast iron and cast steel under drawings, specifications and samples of customers.
We shall place your orders for foundries of Russia and we shall check execution.

Let's make complete customs clearance on export from Russia and it is organized safe transportation of ready casts the address indicated by you in any point of the world.

Material for casts: Gray iron, Ductile iron, a foundry steel
Chemical compound - according to GOST or on your request.

Address to us for account of complete cost of manufacture and transportation of the finished casts interesting you.

Russian foundry industry has wide experience in manufacture of casts from Grey iron, Ductile iron and foundry steel.

Kinds of cast offered us on directions:
- Decorative and art castings (street lamps; benches; fences and fencings; litter-bins; and anyone other, used in urban design);
- Industrial and structural castings.

For account of cost of manufacture of casts and transportation, we ask to send us by e-mail:
- drawings of casts in format DWG, PDF or in any graphic formats;
- specification;
- name of the seaport nearest to you.

Shipment of finish products - in 20 foot marine containers.

Volumes of ordered cast can be from serial items up to mass.

We can deliver ready foundry items according to requests of GOST:
Ductile iron pipelines;
Manhole Cover and Frame;
Cast Iron Crucibles;
Iron grinding balls ...

Best regards,
General director
Trading House "STELLA HOLDING"
Sergey Grigoryev (Diplomaed engineer)
Saint Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: casting@stellaholding.spb.ru
English (only in written form)

Tel/fax: +7(812) 714-90-50, 714-90-11, 714-90-59

Категория:  Лом (черный, цветной)

Тип: Спрос

Город:  Sankt-Petersburg

Компания/Имя: Stella Holding
Тел:     +7 (812) 714-90-50, 714-90-11, 714-90-59
E-mail: Написать письмо

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